Can't find Purchased Credits

If you've purchased credits but are unable to locate them, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue based on your device type:

For MPVI (Original)

  • Ensure you've entered your new Application Key in the software.

For MPVI2, MPVI2+, or MPVI3

  • Perform a Resync:
    1. Open VCM Suite.
    2. Click Help in the top menu.
    3. Select Resync Interface.

Understanding Credit Counts

  • The credit count displayed in your HP Tuners account reflects the total credits purchased for your device.
  • This count does not include credits that have already been spent.

Viewing Total Credits (Purchased, Used, and Available)

To see a detailed breakdown of your credits:

  1. Generate a VCM Suite Infolog while connected to your MPVI via following the instructions on this link; How to Generate a VCM Suite Infolog : 
  2. Per the image below the Infolog will display:
    • Total credits purchased.
    • Credits used.
    • Remaining available credits.

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