ETC Effective Area Calculator

The ETC Effective Area Calculator is a tool that can be used when configuring Ford vehicles to work with a different model throttle than was installed previously.

The X-axis of this table is the effective area of the throttle body. The Y-axis is throttle vacuum.

Entering throttle angle data in this table and clicking Calculate Effective Area updates the two Throttle Body Model tables at Engine > Airflow > Electronic Throttle:

Effective Area. The engine controller uses this table to calculate the airflow through the throttle body. It is (roughly) the inverse of the table here.
Predicted Throttle Angle. The engine controller uses this table to determine the throttle angle required to deliver the desired airflow. The angles entered here will be copied into the body of this table.

NOTE: The axis labels in this window are copied from the Predicted Throttle Angle table. If you wish to change them, they must be changed in that table rather than in this window.

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